Thought Overflow…Golda’s BlogIf memes are like genes, then having a conversation in which you share ideas and come up with new ones is like…?


Archive for February, 2024

starting some daily journal entries – these will mainly not show up on the front page, but still saved and findable. I want to pin and record more things. Today, Vancouver, taking the long way around to the AAAI conference…glad i did.

Seen and heard on the way
a woman walking on the rocky shore, i said hello, lovely shells. She answered yes, and every rock is a painting, art is everywhere. well put.

a ‘people’s castle’ but the stairway blocked, it seems a fight with city council brews

later, two Bald Eagles and a nest that a local said they come to every year. last year at eth denver i saw one, flying low over the river there.

Wandered and walked about 5 miles, took a seabus and a rented bike, then finally the venue. The views from the Vancouver Convention Centre are breathtaking. Don’t know when i used that word before, but it fits here. The conference itself wasn’t bad either…

installed neogpt between sessions, so i could feel legit, and worked on a little wrapper to have it represent a did. quite simple and hacky but its for a short workshop so, about right. a good paper about human-guided moral decision making in text-based games. glad we can still use that word, ‘moral’. it should mean something, and its a good thing to be thinking about how the agents can incorporate and measure. dinner with women in aaai (and one guy who tagged along) at a tasty Lebanese restaurant, and back in the sparkling cold along the water. Not a bad first day.

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