So I was riding my bike back from Trader Joe’s on my lunch break, and a thought occurred to me (all my best work is on a bike, or in the shower…). If the universe is close to 14 billion years old, and the furthest galaxies we can detect are close to 14 billion light years away, have they been traveling away at the speed of light to get that far? Because I didn’t think stars moved that fast.
But yep – its the fabric of space that expands, and even faster at large enough distances. I hadn’t thought about that before.
This Is How Distant Galaxies Recede Away From Us At Faster-Than-Light Speeds
Need to write this up as another thought-provoking thing for kids just learning physics. There is so much we could do by letting kids think about the questions for at least a little bit before providing the answers!
Archive for December, 2020