Archive for July, 2018
007.23.18 The story is not about the rise of bullies and authoritarians. The story is about how we respond.
Spending a week in SF, first impression is the beautiful buildings, the busy foot traffic, and the grime. It feels like a city where everyone is pushing to the limit all the time, with clean airy offices but streets too busy for planters, despite the friendly climate. And the homeless. SF is kinder to its homeless than many cities, with the result that they are everywhere on the streets.
I kept thinking, I’d like to go around and ask them, how they’d feel about having the opportunity to clean a bit when they liked, for small payments. Like a nonprofit that supplies cleaning materials and goes around donating to those who keep their area clean, and maybe leave a plant or street garden to be cared for too. In Tucson we have public little mini gardens with edible plants, like in front of the main library. The climate in SF should make those much easier to grow.
I love San Francisco, but it also makes me appreciate the breathing room we have in Tucson. Relaxed co-ops and organizations like Bicas, not having to justify so many thousands in rent or property costs, can help people fix bikes for a couple bucks an hour, or provide shared pottery wheels and glazing ovens.